Saturday, October 25, 2014

Things on my mind #2: Proud feminist here *salutes*

You know what drives me nuts? Racist, homophobic, misogynists! Or of each. I already have them at my school -_-
They constantly joke about rape, and gays. And now, it's (weirdly) trendy to say a racist/offensive word. These are one of the reasons why I'm already starting to hate the last year of middle school and these school. What really irks me is that we aren't talking about serious problems that we might face in real life like what to do in a uncomfortable situation. That's why I am somewhat looking forward to 9th since they have a anime AND feminist club so I meet like minded people. I wish there was a way for me to do some quiz so I could try to skip 8th grade and on to a new school that will catch my interest...


Things on my mind #1: Wicca

I starting Wicca because...
1. To me it feels reasonable for more than one god(dess)
3.For me to connect with nature 
But, so far it's been hard. Considering only 2 or 3 people know about my change but, there's a super religious guy in my class. Luckily, I've been alright. Today, I got a Wicca book from the library  and setting up my altar on my dresser.

-Altar in progress
-Wicca Book

robby town project part 1: humble beginnings

  Back in first to second grade, I would play to toys in this make believe town called Robby Town. Robby Town kinda mimiaced the are me at t...